Guidance: see your past and present thoughts, words, and behaviors more objectively.
The beginning of a relationship or the desire to make certain investments, can unfold on ways difficult to be imagined at present time. Consulting an oracle requires a lot of humility and faith to accept the result. Do not expect to get the answer you want to hear. In preparing the question, be as unbiased as possible if you really want to be guided properly.
Each number contains in itself a universal symbolic meaning. Numerology allows lift the veil of illusion. This illusion that prevents the Self to feel the real and immense potential that has within himself. Through the study and analysis of Numerological numbers in our name and date of birth we know important aspects ...[+]
The tarot word itself evokes a strong esoteric energy, which makes one think of destination, pathways and action. It is a universal word, the most widespread is the Italian version, that because there is concrete evidence that the tarot would have arisen between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in the ...[+]