Rui Valentim

At his stage of his life, Rui gives his energy and focus, to activities related to the directions of Biomagnetics, Arts, Personal Guidance and Education.
Develops courses and workshops of Personal Orientation based on Quantum Physics and appointments in the area of Biomagnetcs and Sacred Geometry.
Rui Valentim, channels his higher self through meditation, leading to many of his artwork Living panels, including the painting and writing.
"The arts are the re-connection channel. The arts and meditation, allow me to convey the message that I bring and the process of life I create."
- Biomagnetic Therapy 60.00 €
Outros Terapeutas
Veena Balkrishna Fernandes, Dra.
Sílvia Artilheiro
Sílvia Dionísio
Sara Diogo, Drª.
Sandra Santin, Drª
Rita Dias
Paula Farinha
Nuno Lourenço
Marina Pais
Maria Raquel Tavares
Manuel Alves
Lina Messias
Lia - Cidália Gonçalves
João Paulo Pestana, Dr.
Jamina Ann Silva
Inês André, Drª.
Fátima Dias
Edson Natário
Cristina Oliveira
Bárbara Aroucha
António Teixeira, Dr.
Andreia Mascarenhas
Andrea Schoonheim
Anabela do Cabo Morais, Drª.
Ana Rita Bastos
Ana Rosa
Ana Marques Grifo, Dra.
Ana Fachadas, Dra.