Cristina Oliveira

For a long time lived a life considered normal within the socially acceptable parameters, with stability at all levels - family, professional and economic - married with two children, graduated in Modern Languages and Literature with specialization in Information. However, at some point, it was growing within me an inexplicable feeling of emptiness and disenchantment that eventually plunge me into a huge depression. Looking for help, my family doctor told me about Reiki to help overcome my depression. From this point on, everything in my life changed...
In 2008, imbued by the spirit and consciousness of Osho, I decided to become a sannyasin, with the name "Naveena" - meaning "New" - and bring meditation for every moment in my life, helding in the following years "work the meditation" in the opening and in the daily management of Osho DarshanZen Meditation Centre, either as facilitator of "Osho Active Meditations", either as an active participant of all backgrounds and meditative Center therapies, such as "Cycle Osho Total Living ", the" Zen Fire "," Osho Recalling up the Forgotten Language Talk to your Body-Mind, "and" Opening up to the Mystery 'with Milarepa.
In this journey and growth, found alongside the Human Design, having been instantly fascinated by the individual reading of my design and the incredible potential of this revolutionary new system.
To live my design has been a fascinating experience, an amazing journey around an ever deeper awareness of who I am. To love ourselves first, eliminating resistance, we relate ourselves better with others and life flows loving and relaxed.
Certified by the International Human Design School, I am Professional Human Design Analyst.
- Human Design 80.00 €
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